My favourite show on television is Pardon The Interruption. I think that Tony Kornheiser and Mike Wilbon are one of the best entertainment duo's of all time. Put them right up there with Johnny and Ed, Aykroyd and Belushi, Conan and Andy. The rapport these two have is so good that when one of them is gone, the show isn't even half as entertaining. But I hear a lot of criticisms about this show from people. These people don't seem to think that PTI is the greatest show to grace the earth. So let's set the record straight.
Why All Of Your Criticisms Of Pardon The Interruption Are Wrong
1. They Never Talk About Hockey
This is the biggest one, and you're right. You're absolutely right. We live in Canada, and hockey is the biggest sport, and they never ever talk about hockey. And as much as I love hockey, thank GOD they don't talk about it. Do we not have enough hockey coverage in this country? It once got to the point where TSN had the show That's Hockey, then felt like it wasn't enough, so they created That's Hockey 2. 2!!! Different pundits, different analysis, different attitude!! There is no shortage of people talking about hockey, and it's actually nice to get some perspective on other sports that don't get covered as much up here like NCAA hoops and football. Hell, even MLB doesn't get much league wide coverage. Plus why do you want people who don't know much about hockey to talk about hockey? You wouldn't talk to a pool salesman about your roof. Unless you were putting a pool on your roof, which would be really awesome. Let me come over and swim.
2. They Argue All The Time
"I think the Houston Rockets will win 21 games in a row"
"I agree"
"I seriously think they'll do it"
"I'm onboard with this idea"
"They're a good team getting top notch coaching"
"I love the coach"
Faaaairly boring. This is what a lot of people don't get: it's not about being angry and yelling. TSN once tried to duplicate this format with a segment called "5 Minute Misconduct" or something equally mind numbing. They had Glen Healy and a Toronto Sun beat writer argue about hockey issues. It was unwatchable because it wasn't fun, Heals and the other guy thought they had to get angry with one another, and they just sat there bickering. Wilbon and Kornheiser are never actually angry, and the show is closer to how you and your friends would sit around and argue about sports. Like when Chuck Marshall comes home and says "Isn't the Texas A&M, Virginia Tech game on?" and I say "maybe, who cares?" and he says "These are two storied schools we should really be getting behind" and I say "I spilled juice on your dvds".
3. I'd Rather Watch An Hour of Off The Record
This is a lie. I'm sure no one has ever said this.
Some things coming up this month include the next edition of The Panel, AND we'll be doing something special for NCAA March Madness with some guest writers. There's also a pod cast in the works, so make sure you're speakers are plugged in.
1 comment:
I used to be one of the idiots complaining admittedly. But I have since realized that PTI is the damn best. I agree the guys are wicked and even when they are agreeing they do it in such a way that it's entertaining.
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